5 Things You Should Know About Cream Liqueur

1 comment May 23, 2023

1. Is a cream liqueur the same as crème de liqueur?

The answer is no, even though cream and crème are essentially the same word in two different languages. Cream liqueurs contain cream, while crème de liqueurs do not. Crème de liqueurs usually have higher sugar content, a clear appearance, and a thicker texture as well.

2. When did cream liqueurs first appear?

Cream liqueurs first appeared in the 1970s as an Irish delicacy. Since then, this unique drink in the spirits segment has grown popular due to its smooth mouthfeel, versatility in culinary creations, and deliciousness.

3. What makes a good cream liqueur?

The key to a good cream liqueur is a stable emulsion. Emulsifying two liquids that won't mix, such as spirit and cream, often requires either specialist machinery or large amounts of unnatural emulsifiers. We only do it the natural way. The mixing of fresh cream and spirits takes technique, and the perfect cream liqueur requires lengthy experiments with plenty of trial and error if you wish to perfect the recipe.


4. How should you handle a bottle of cream liqueur at home?

Avoid direct sunlight and high temperatures when storing a cream liqueur. Be sure to close the bottle tightly after serving to prevent alcohol evaporation. Also, be careful not to drop the bottle!


5. What shouldn't be mixed with cream liqueurs when creating a cocktail?

Acidic ingredients (such as coffee, juice, or carbonated beverages) can be used in moderation but may cause cream liqueurs to curdle. Try our natural cocktail mixers for adding flavor to creamy cocktails, as they are specifically formulated to mix perfectly with creamy drinks.

1 comment

  • EDNA March 31, 2024 at 12:33 pm

    What can I mix with my Devonshire Royal cream liqueur to drink with

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